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Report No.

Current-induced modulation of coercive field in the ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO$$_{3}$$

Yamanouchi, Michihiko*; Oyamada, Tatsuro*; Sato, Koichi*; Ota, Hiromichi*; Ieda, Junichi   

We investigated the coercive field $$H_{c}$$ for Domain Wall (DW) motion as a function of the current $$I$$ in the ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO$$_{3}$$, a model system with narrow DWs for fabricating high-density spintronics devices. The DW is moved by $$I$$ in the direction of the current, and $$H_{c}$$ is modulated linearly in $$I$$. This linear relationship is consistent with an effective magnetic field $$H_{eff}$$ driving the DW. The direction of DW motion and the magnitude of $$H_{eff}$$ are well described by a model based on the field-like torque arising from the spin relaxation of conduction electrons in the DW.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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