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Report No.

Dosimetric impact of a new computational voxel phantom series for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors; Children and adults

Griffin, K.*; Paulbeck, C.*; Bolch, W.*; Cullings, H.*; Egbert, S. D.*; Funamoto, Sachiyo*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Endo, Akira   ; Hertel, N.*; Lee, C.*

Due to computing limitations of the time, only three stylized phantoms were used in DS86 and DS02 to represent the entire Japanese population: an infant, child, and adult. Our study aimed to evaluate the dosimetric impact that should be expected from using an updated and age-expanded RERF phantom series with the survivor cohort. To this end, we developed a new series of hybrid phantoms, based on the Japanese population of 1945, which has greater anatomical realism and improved age resolution than those previously used by RERF. From the photon portion of the spectra, dose differences of up to nearly 25% are expected between the old and new series, while differences of up to nearly 70% are expected from the neutron portion. Overall, our new series of phantoms has shown to provide significant improvements to survivor organ dosimetry, especially to those survivors who were previously misrepresented in body size by their stylized phantom and to those who experienced a highly-directional irradiation field.



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