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Report No.

Preliminary combustion analyses using OpenFOAM

Thwe Thwe, A.  ; Terada, Atsuhiko  ; Hino, Ryutaro

Under long-term storage of nuclear wastes including low- and high-level wastes, hydrogen can be spontaneously generated from corrosion of metal wastes and container wall itself, and from radiolysis of water in the waste. For the sake of hydrogen safety and the risk reduction of environmental contamination, we have started to investigate the behavior and characteristics of hydrogen combustion and explosion in waste vessel. In this report, we performed numerical simulation to investigate the characteristics of methane combustion by applying OpenFOAM. For combustion scenario, FireFoam solver with LES frame was used. As the results, the average temperature increased when the container height and inlet size increased. The simulation of gas diffusion by FireFoam results showed that helium diffused faster than hydrogen and methane. By XiFoame solver, the simulation was performed to obtain flame propagation radius for hydrogen-air premixed flame.



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