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Report No.

Determination of $$^{107}$$Pd in Pd purified by selective precipitation from spent nuclear fuel by laser ablation ICP-MS

Asai, Shiho; Ohata, Masaki*; Yomogida, Takumi   ; Saeki, Morihisa*; Oba, Hironori*  ; Hanzawa, Yukiko  ; Horita, Takuma ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  

Determination of radiopalladium $$^{107}$$Pd is required for ensuring the radiation safety of Pd extracted from spent nuclear fuel for recycling or disposal. We employed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to simplify an analytical procedure of $$^{107}$$Pd. Pd was separated through selective Pd precipitation reaction from spent nuclear fuel. Laser ablation allows direct measurement of the Pd precipitates, skipping the dissolution and dilution procedure. In this study, $$^{102}$$Pd in natural Pd standard solution was used as an internal standard, taking advantage of its absence in spent nuclear fuel. The Pd precipitate was uniformly embedded on the surface of the centrifugal filter, forming a microscopically thin flat surface of Pd. The resulting homogeneous Pd layer is suitable for obtaining a stable signal ratio of $$^{107}$$Pd/$$^{102}$$Pd. The amount of $$^{107}$$Pd obtained by LA-ICP-MS corresponds to the values obtained by conventional solution nebulization measurement.



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Category:Biochemical Research Methods



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