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Report No.

External dose evaluation of emergency responder in off-site at the time of Fukushima-Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Accident (Contract research)

Shimada, Kazumasa ; Sasaki, Toshihisa*; Iijima, Masashi*; Munakata, Masahiro 

The external exposure dose of off-site emergency responders at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident were evaluated in order to consider a radiation protection of emergency responders. The maximum value of individual daily dose of emergency responders whose activities details were recorded from 12th to 31th March 2011 was 650 $$mu$$Sv engaged in evacuation support in Futaba Town on 12th. Next, atmospheric concentrations and deposition of radionuclides were calculated from the source terms estimated by previous studies using atmospheric diffusion and deposit calculation codes, and air dose rates at off-site were estimated. Then, the external exposure dose was calculated for 6 emergency responders whose daily activities and personal doses were continuously recorded. Furthermore, the maximum value and the average value of the calculation external dose of emergency responders in the activity area were compared with the measurement value of the personal dosimeter of them. These results showed that the calculated value of the external exposure dose of emergency responders calculated from the maximum value of the dose rate in the active area roughly includes the measured value.



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