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Report No.

Magnetic measurement on uranium ferromagnetic superconductor UGe$$_2$$

Tateiwa, Naoyuki   ; Haga, Yoshinori   ; Yamamoto, Etsuji  

Many studies have been done fro the co-existence of the superconductivity and the ferromagnetism in UGe$$_2$$, URhGe, and UCoGe. In this presentation, we will show our results of the magnetization measurements under pressure obtained with our ceramic anvil high pressure cell. The superconducting transition temperature $$T_{sc}$$ becomes maximum at around a phase boundary of the ferromagnetic phases FM1 and FM2. We have found that the pressure dependence of the width of the spin fluctuation spectrum $$T_0$$ also exhibits a peaked structure around the boundary. This suggests a correlation between the superconductivity and the ferromagnetic fluctuations developed around the boundary. We will mention the Rhode-Wohlfarth relation under pressure.



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