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Report No.

Experimental investigation of the glass transition of polystyrene thin films in a broad frequency range

Inoue, Rintaro*; Kanaya, Toshiji*; Yamada, Takeshi*; Shibata, Kaoru  ; Fukao, Koji*

In this study, we investigate the $$alpha$$ process of a polystyrene thin film using inelastic neutron scattering (INS), dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS), and thermal expansion spectroscopy (TES). The DRS and TES measurements exhibited a decrease in glass transition temperature ($$T_{rm g}$$) with film thickness. On the other hand, an increase in $$T_{rm g}$$ was observed in INS studies. In order to interpret this contradiction, we investigated the temperature dependence of the peak frequency ($$f_{rm m}$$) of the $$alpha$$ process probed by DRS and TES. The experiments revealed an increase in the peak frequency ($$f_{rm m}$$) with decreasing film thickness in the frequency region. This observation is consistent with the observed decrease in $$T_{rm g}$$ with thickness. The discrepancy between INS and DRS or TES descriptions of the $$alpha$$ process is likely to be attributed to a decrease in the apparent activation energy with film thickness and reduced mobility, due to the impenetrable wall effect.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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