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Report No.

Overview of the OECD-NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC)

Fleming, M.*; Bernard, D.*; Brown, D.*; Chadwick, M. B.*; De Saint Jean, C.*; Dupont, E.*; Ge, Z.*; Harada, Hideo   ; Hawari, A.*; Herman, M.*; Iwamoto, Osamu  ; Kodeli, I.*; Koning, A.*; Malvagi, F.*; McNabb, D.*; Mills, R. W.*; Nogu$`e$re, G.*; Palmiotti, G.*; Plompen, A.*; Salvatores, M.*; Sobes, V.*; White, M. C.*; Yokoyama, Kenji   

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) was established in 1989 to facilitate collaboration in nuclear data activities. Over its thirty year history, fifty different subgroups have been created to address topics in nearly every aspect of nuclear data, including: experimental measurements, evaluation, validation, model development, quality assurance of databases and the development of software tools. After three decades we will review the status of WPEC, how it integrates other collections and activities organised by the NEA and how it dovetails with the initiatives of the IAEA and other bodies to effectively coordinate international activities in nuclear data.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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