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Report No.

Performance test of plastic scintillation fiber detector under high dose rate environment

Terasaka, Yuta   ; Sato, Yuki  ; Torii, Tatsuo  

A performance characteristics of plastic scintillation fiber (PSF) detector under high dose rate environment was evaluated for radiation distribution measurement inside Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) buildings. A Time-of-Flight (TOF) method was applied to the 10 m long PSF (1 mm diameter, bundle number: 3) coupled with micro-photomultiplier for radiation distribution measurement. Position resolution of 48.2 cm (FWHM) at the center part of PSF was confirmed. The count rate of whole PSF increased with the dose rate increase up to approximately 45 mSv/h by adjusting constant fraction discriminator (CFD) threshold voltage.



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