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Report No.

Study on loss-of-cooling and loss-of-coolant accidents in spent fuel pool, 2; Fuel cladding oxidation

Nemoto, Yoshiyuki  ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Kanazawa, Toru*; Nakashima, Kazuo*; Tojo, Masayuki*

Oxidation behaviour of Zr cladding in SFP accident condition was evaluated by using a thermobalance in this work, and the obtained data were applied to construct oxidation model for SFP accident condition. For the validation of the constructed oxidation model, oxidation tests using a long cladding tube 500mm in length were conducted in conditions simulating SFP accidents, such as flow rate of the atmosphere in spent fuel rack, temperature gradient along the axis of cladding, and heating-up history. Thickness of oxide layer formed on the surface of cladding samples was evaluated by cross sectional observation, and compared with calculation results obtained by using the oxidation model. The detail of experimental results and validation of the oxidation model will be discussed.



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