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Report No.

Applicability of statistical geometry model to light water moderating systems

Mori, Takamasa; Kojima, Kensuke*; Suyama, Kenya

In order to estimate applicability of the statistical geometry model (STGM) of MVP/GMVP, a parametric study in infinite geometry and criticality safety analyses for direct disposal of spent fuel in simple finite geometry have been carried out by using the MVP Monte Carlo code. It has been found that calculations with STGM for larger fuel spheres give larger thermal utilization factors and larger infinite multiplication factors compared with explicit random models in the range of fuel sphere packing fraction between 6.5 % and 63.3 %. Substantial differences are not observed between the results with two nearest neighbor distributions (NNDs); that given by the MCRDF code and the analytical expression based on a statistically uniform distribution. It is inferred that the overestimation by STGM is caused by the facts that STGM cannot take account of the surroundings of each neutron, whether a fuel sphere rich region or a water moderator rich one, because STGM always uses an NND averaged over such surroundings and that STGM, therefore, cannot take the effect of consecutive scatterings in the water moderator into account.



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