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Report No.

Rapid determination of Sr-90 in environmental matrices by SPE-ICP-MS for emergency monitoring

Fujiwara, Kenso ; Yanagisawa, Kayo*; Iijima, Kazuki  

Since Strontium-90 (Sr-90) is one of the high yield and hazardous fission products, accurate and low-level detection of Sr-90 is essential for environmental samples. Especially, in case of nuclear power plant accidents, rapid and precise assessment of Sr-90 for environmental monitoring and health physics is required. In order to evaluate the migration of radionuclides in the environment, not only Sr-90 in water but also those in soil and biological samples should be measured. A new method for rapid quantification of Sr-90 by online solid phase extraction coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SPE-ICP-MS) has been developed. In this method, it is unavoidable to eliminate the interference by polyatomic ion (e.g., ArCa, Ca$$_{2}$$) induced by isotopes and matrices in fishes and soil. In this study, SPE-ICP-MS method was applied to the measurement of Sr-90 in fishes, and the influence of the Sr isotopes and coexisting ions such as Ca was evaluated.



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