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Simulation analysis on local damage to reinforced concrete panels subjected to oblique impact by different projectiles, 2; Comparison of impact behavior for soft projectiles with flat and hemispherical nose shape

Nagai, Minoru*; Kang, Z.   ; Nishida, Akemi  ; Tsubota, Haruji; Li, Y. 

In this study, the final purpose is to propose a new formula for evaluating the local damage caused by oblique impact based on past experimental results and previous research achievements. Up to now, we validated the analytical method by comparison with the experimental results and conducted simulation analysis associated with impact assessment on RC panel by soft/rigid projectile with flat nose shape using the validated approach. In the part 1 of this study, the same procedure of our previous work is followed to investigate the local damage to RC panel caused by rigid projectile with flat and hemispherical nose shape. In the part 2, we focus on the comparison analysis of simulation results of local damage to RC panel subjected to oblique impact by soft missile with flat and hemispherical nose shape. The structural damage of RC panel and projectiles, energy contribution ratio, etc. is studied for each case. The results indicate the difference of nose shape of projectile is of great importance to influence the penetration depth generated by oblique impact of soft projectile.



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