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Report No.

Observation of an excited $$Omega^-$$ Baryon

Yelton, J.*; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; Belle Collaboration*; 190 of others*

Using data recorded with the Belle detector, we observe a new excited hyperon, an $$Omega^{*-}$$ candidate decaying into $$Xi^0K^-$$ and $$Xi^-K^0_S$$ with a mass of $$2012.4pm0.7 {rm (stat)pm 0.6 (rm syst)} {rm MeV}/c^2$$ and a width of $$Gamma=6.4^{+2.5}_{-2.0} {rm(stat)}pm1.6 {rm(syst)} {rm MeV}$$. The $$Omega^{*-}$$ is seen primarily in $$Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S)$$, and $$Upsilon(3S)$$ decays.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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