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Report No.

Observation of a Be double-Lambda hypernucleus in the J-PARC E07 experiment

Ekawa, Hiroyuki; Ashikaga, Sakiko; Hasegawa, Shoichi   ; Hashimoto, Tadashi   ; Hayakawa, Shuhei; Hosomi, Kenji  ; Ichikawa, Yudai   ; Imai, Kenichi; Kimbara, Shinji*; Nanamura, Takuya; Naruki, Megumi; Sako, Hiroyuki   ; Sato, Susumu  ; Suzuki, Kazuki; Tamura, Hirokazu; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; Yamamoto, Takeshi  ; Yoshida, Junya; 85 of others*

A double-$$Lambda$$ hypernucleus, $${}_{LambdaLambda}mathrm{Be}$$, was observed by the J-PARC E07 collaborationin nuclear emulsions tagged by the $$(K^{-},K^{+})$$ reaction. This event was interpreted as a production and decay of $$ {}_{LambdaLambda}^{;10}mathrm{Be}$$,$${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;11}mathrm{Be}$$, or $${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;12}mathrm{Be}^{*}$$ via $$Xi^{-}$$ capture in $${}^{16}mathrm{O}$$.By assuming the capture in the atomic 3D state, the binding energy of two $$Lambda$$ hyperons$$,$$($$B_{LambdaLambda}$$)of these double-$$Lambda$$ hypernuclei are obtained to be$$15.05 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, $$19.07 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, and $$13.68 pm 0.11,mathrm{MeV}$$, respectively. Based on the kinematic fitting, $${}_{LambdaLambda}^{;11}mathrm{Be}$$ is the most likely explanation for the observed event.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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