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Report No.

Development of corrosion database under radiation environment

Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Sato, Tomonori  ; Hata, Kuniki ; Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa*; Seito, Hajime*; Tada, Eiji*; Abe, Hiroshi*; Akiyama, Eiji*; Suzuki, Shunichi*

Since risk of corrosion degradation for plant materials in Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant (1F) site have been increasing with time duration and/or environmental changes by decommissioning procedure, we will build a corrosion and radiolysis database in irradiated condition including estimating data area for 1F corrosion. In this presentation, we will describe the overview of this research project.



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