Restoration activity of the contamination accident at plutonium fuel research facility
Restoration Activity Team for the PFRF Contamination Incident
2017年6月6日、日本原子力研究開発機構大洗研究開発センター(現在は大洗研究所という。)燃料研究棟の実験室(108号室)において、核燃料物質を収納したウラン・プルトニウム貯蔵容器を点検するためフード内で貯蔵容器の蓋を開封する作業を行なっていた際に、貯蔵容器内の樹脂製の袋(PVCバッグ)が破裂し、ウランとプルトニウムの一部がフード外へ飛散して実験室内が汚染するとともに、点検作業に関わっていた作業員5名が内部被ばくする事故が発生した。事故発生後に組織された現場復旧チームは、事故直後から現場の汚染状況を把握するとともに、実験室内のグローブボックス等の設備機器を含め実験室の床, 壁, 天井等全域の除染を実施した。除染作業では、室内の設備機器の設置状況や汚染形態、汚染状況等を考慮し、手作業による拭き取り除染を実施するとともに、本手法にて除染できない狭窄部等についてはストリッパブルペイントによる剥離除染を併用することとした。その結果、浮遊性汚染については検出限界未満まで除染することができた。固着性汚染についてはストリッパブルペイントによる剥離除染後、養生等の措置を行った。本報告は、他の核燃料物質の取扱い施設、特にプルトニウム等の
The contamination accident occurred in a laboratory room (Room No.108) of Plutonium Fuel Research Facility (PFRF) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Oarai Research and Development Institute on June 6, 2017. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) bags burst just after the lid of one storage container was opened during the inspection of storage containers for U and Pu in the ventilation hood. At that time, part of nuclear materials in the storage container were scattered all over the room. Five workers in the room were subjected to plutonium contamination, which resulted in internal exposure. In order to restore the Room No.108 of PFRF, the Restoration Activity Team organized in JAEA carried out the decontamination work after the investigation of the contamination level in the room. The team decontaminated the surface of walls, ceiling, gloveboxes and other experimental instruments. Depending on the contamination distribution and installation state of the instruments, suitable decontamination methods were selected. In addition to the manual wiping using wet clothes, the exfoliation method using a strippable paint was applied for constricted areas. As a result, the loose alpha-contamination level fell below the detection limit throughout the room. On the other hand, the fixed contamination was covered with plastic sheets after the decontamination by a strippable paint. We hope that the restoration activity described in this report will provide useful information for the management of decommissioning facilities, especially for facilities treating alpha-radioactive materials such as plutonium.