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Report No.

Outline of material irradiation research results using Joyo

Kaito, Takeji ; Yano, Yasuhide  ; Shizukawa, Yuta ; Oka, Hiroshi   ; Tanno, Takashi  ; Otsuka, Satoshi   

JAEA has been developing modified 316 stainless steel (PNC316), 11Cr-ferritic/martensitic steel (PNC-FMS), oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel for core materials of SFR. In order to apply these materials to SFR fuels, it is necessary to understand material properties change due to neutron irradiation, irradiation behavior such as swelling and so on. For PNC 316, irradiation data exceeding 100 dpa have been acquired by conducting material irradiation test and fuel irradiation test at Joyo. The results obtained from these irradiation tests were reflected in the development of Monju fuel, contributing greatly to practical application of PNC316. For ODS steel cladding tubes and ferritic steel wrapper tubes for future high burnup fuel applications, irradiation tests of about 30 dpa and about 100 dpa, respectively, had been carried out. Also for 316FR and high-chromium martensitic steel, which is being developed for SFR structural materials, irradiation tests were carried out in order to understand material properties change due to neutron irradiation. Besides these, some irradiation tests are also carried out on non-metallic materials such as boron carbide, graphite and so on.



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