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Report No.

A Validation study of a neutronics design methodology for fast reactors using reaction rate distribution measurements in the prototype fast reactor Monju

Ohgama, Kazuya   ; Takegoshi, Atsushi; Katagiri, Hiroki*; Hazama, Taira 

In the fast breeder reactor prototype Monju, reaction rate distributions were measured by using activation foils during its system startup test. Reliability and usefulness of the measurements as a validation experiment were investigated through a comparison with a calculation using the latest neutronics design methodology developed in JAEA. As a basic calculation, a three-dimensional diffusion calculation with triangular meshes was performed using effective cross sections generated by a one-dimensional heterogeneous lattice model with the JENDL-4.0 nuclear data library. Best-estimate values of reaction rates were evaluated by considering correction factors such as transport correction factors, fine and ultra-fine energy group correction factors, anisotropic diffusion coefficient correction factors and subassembly heterogeneous factors. Through the comparison, it was confirmed that the both of experimental values and analysis results were agreed well in the core region.



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