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Report No.

Development of evaluation method for in-place cooling of residual core materials in core disruptive accidents of SFRs

Imaizumi, Yuya ; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro ; Kamiyama, Kenji  ; Matsuba, Kenichi  ; Ganovichev, D. A.*; Baklanov, V. V.*

The cooling of the residual core materials after the fuel discharge from the core in the accident of SFRs can significantly affect the distribution fraction of the core materials, which is an important factor for the in-vessel retention (IVR). For the evaluation of the cooling of the residual core materials which is called "in-place cooling", behavior in a SFR core was analyzed preliminary by SIMMER-III. Based on the analysis result, method of phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT) was applied. Fundamental experiment focusing on three thermal-hydraulic phenomena those were extracted by PIRT was considered in order to investigate them and utilize it for validation of the SIMMER-III. To achieve continuous oscillation of sodium level which can occur in the phase of in-place cooling of SFRs, analytical survey was conducted by SIMMER-III. As a result of that, the effects of experimental conditions on the oscillation amplitude and the duration time were clarified quantitatively, which are necessary to determine the specific experimental conditions.



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