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Report No.

Levelized cost of electricity evaluation of SFR system considering safety measures

Mukaida, Kyoko  ; Kato, Atsushi ; Kamiya, Masayoshi ; Ishii, Katsunori 

The levelized cost of electricity is one of key indicator to evaluate economic competitiveness of energy systems. This report estimated the levelized cost of SFR system considering additional safety measures identified after the 1F incident and social cost, using major calculation tools: G4-ECONS and the calculation tool developed by the Governmental WG in Japan (CEWG-tool). The calculation results of G4-ECONS showed that the additional safety measures raise 160% of levelized cost in the case of the safety enhanced SFR system with 1500 MWe of twin looped cooling system. As a result of calculation with 3% discount rate and social cost, the levelized cost of the safety enhanced SFR system with 1200 MWe of Single looped cooling system was estimated 84 mills/kWh by CEWG-tool. This result is almost equal to the estimated levelized cost of similar standard LWR system, and it was indicated the economic competitiveness of the future SFR system.



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