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Report No.

Quantitative analysis of Cs extraction by some dialkoxycalix[4]arene-crown-6 extractants

Simonnet, M.   ; Miyazaki, Yuji*; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Cesium extraction from acidic media by seven dialkoxy-calix[4]arene-crown-6 compounds in several diluents was studied. 2-Nonanone was found to be a suitable diluent for cesium extraction. Nitric acid concentration variation reveals a maximum distribution ratio, whose position depends on extractant and diluent. This maximum was explained quantitatively by a competitive extraction of H$$^{+}$$. An analytical mass-action extraction model accounting for activity effects is proposed that fits correctly the different datasets. The analysis showed a nitrate hyper-stoichiometry in alkyl ketone diluents. This effect yields efficient back-extraction at low acidity. Benzo substitution on the crown ether lowers nitric acid extraction, improves sodium separation, but also degrades potassium and rubidium separation.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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