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A Noniterative mean-field QM/MM-type approach with a linear response approximation toward an efficient free-energy evaluation

Kido, Kentaro 

Mean-field treatment of solvent provides an efficient technique to investigate chemical processes in solution in QM/MM framework. In the algorithm, an iterative calculation is required to obtain the self-consistency between QM and MM regions, which is a time-consuming step. In the present study, we have proposed a non-iterative approach by introducing a linear response approximation (LRA) into the solvation term in the one-electron part of Fock matrix in a hybrid approach between MO calculations and a three-dimensional integral equation theory for molecular liquids (MC-MOZ-SCF; Kido $textit{et al.}$, J. Chem. Phys. $textbf{143}$, 014103 (2015)). To save the computational time, we have also developed a fast method to generate electrostatic potential map near solute and the solvation term in Fock matrix, using Fourier transformation (FT) and real spherical harmonics expansion (RSHE). To numerically validate the LRA and FT-RSHE method, we applied the present approach to water, carbonic acid and their ionic species in aqueous solution. Molecular properties of the solutes were evaluated by the present approach with four different types of initial wave function and compared with those by the original (MC-MOZ-SCF). From the averaged speed up ratio, the present approach is 13.5 times faster than MC-MOZ-SCF.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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