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Report No.

Development of granulation system for simplified MOX pellet fabrication process

Ishii, Katsunori ; Segawa, Tomoomi ; Kawaguchi, Koichi  ; Suzuki, Masahiro 

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is developing a simplified pelletizing process for MOX fuel fabrication. In this process, the flowability of MOX powder produced by de-nitration conversion based on microwave heating, calcination, and reduction is improved using the wet granulation method. In a previous paper, to produce MOX granules of appropriate sizes for pelletizing them effectively, we proposed a granulation system composed of a wet granulator and a sizing machine. In the present work, we modernized the wet granulator, completed the granulation system by adding auxiliary equipment, and conducted performance tests of the granulation system with WO$$_{3}$$ powder. The results of a performance test indicated that it is possible to convert raw powder into granules characterized by appropriate size and excellent flowability. The time required to process 5 kg of WO$$_{3}$$ powder was about 70 min, which almost satisfies the target time.



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