※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on relationship between pathway of groundwater and mass transport, and cooling process of granitic rock

笹尾 英嗣   ; 湯口 貴史*; 石橋 正祐紀

Sasao, Eiji; Yuguchi, Takashi*; Ishibashi, Masayuki


The authors studied cooling process of granitic magma in the Toki granite, distributed in the southwestern part of Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, based on petrological, mineralogical and themochronological methodologies. We also compare the relationship between magma cooling process, and fracture distribution and micropore in plagioclase. As a result, we estimated that the imhomogeneous distribution of fracture and micropore in plagioclase were formed by cooling process of granitic magma. We present the relationship between formation of the pathway of groundwater and mass transport, and cooling process of granitic rock.



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