Population of nuclides with Z98 in multi-nucleon transfer reactions of Ca+Cm
Devaraja, H. M.*; Heinz, S.*; Beliuskina, O.*; Hofmann, S.*; Hornung, C.*; Mnzenberg, G.*; Ackermann, D.*; Gupta, M.*; Gambhir, Y. K.*; Henderson, R. A.*; Heberger, F. P.*; Yeremin, A. V.*; Kindler, B.*; Lommel, B.*; Maurer, J.*; Moody, K. J.*; 西尾 勝久 ; Popeko, A. G.*; Stoyer, M. A.*; Shaughnessy, D. A.*
Devaraja, H. M.*; Heinz, S.*; Beliuskina, O.*; Hofmann, S.*; Hornung, C.*; Mnzenberg, G.*; Ackermann, D.*; Gupta, M.*; Gambhir, Y. K.*; Henderson, R. A.*; Heberger, F. P.*; Yeremin, A. V.*; Kindler, B.*; Lommel, B.*; Maurer, J.*; Moody, K. J.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Popeko, A. G.*; Stoyer, M. A.*; Shaughnessy, D. A.*
The results for nuclei above curium, produced in multi-nucleon transfer reactions of Ca+Cm at the velocity filter SHIP of GSI Darmstadt, are presented. Spontaneous fission and activities have been used to study the population of nuclei with lifetimes ranging from few milliseconds to several days. We observed several, relatively neutron-rich isotopes with atomic numbers Z 98; among them a weak 224 millisecond activity which we tentatively attributed to No. The measured cross-sections of the observed nuclei give hope that multi-nucleon transfer reactions are a way to reach new neutron-rich heavy and superheavy nuclei, which are not accessible in other reactions. We compare our results with data from earlier experiments and discuss limitations and future perspectives of the method.