Various neutron applications of JRR-3 and establishment of user-friendly facility sharing system
松江 秀明
Matsue, Hideaki
JRR-3 operated by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is 20 MW grade research reactor for widely used for various academic research and industrial applications in many fields from utilization of internal irradiation to utilization of neutron beam. Although JRR-3 has not been operated due to respond to the new regulation standard established after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, JRR-3 will resume operation in October 2020. This article reports neutron utilization such as various kinds of reactor irradiation, prompt gamma-ray analysis, neutron radiography and neutron residual stress analysis, and the efforts of the JRR-3 user 's office aiming for a one - stop office.