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Report No.

Above- and belowground distribution of radiocesium released from TEPCO' FDNPP accident in the mountainous forest of Fukushima

Niizato, Tadafumi  ; Sasaki, Yoshito ; Ito, Satomi; Mitachi, Katsuaki*; Watanabe, Takayoshi 

An understanding of the environmental dynamics of radiocesium, especially $$^{137}$$Cs with long half-life of 30 years, released from the TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is crucial issue to estimate future redistribution and forest-products activities of radiocesium in forested environment of Fukushima, Japan. In this paper, we discuss above- and belowground distributions of radiocesium in a Japanese cedar plantation forest based on 2015-2017 investigations. The belowground $$^{137}$$Cs occupied 90% of the total $$^{137}$$Cs inventory in the Japanese cedar forest. Most of $$^{137}$$Cs was distributed until a depth of 10 cm, where the highest $$^{137}$$Cs inventory in the fine root. This result indicates that $$^{137}$$Cs is absorbed by the tree fine root from the soil layer with inorganic elements, nutrients, and water, although its amount is very limited.



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