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Report No.

Result of dismantlement on the turbine systems in FUGEN

Aratani, Kenta; Takiya, Hiroaki ; Koda, Yuya ; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Tezuka, Masashi  ; Mizui, Hiroyuki 

The prototype advanced thermal reactor FUGEN is the heavy water-moderated, boiling light water-cooled, pressure tube-type reactor, and has progressing the decommissioning since 2008. The most of facilities such as turbine system have the system structure and the operating conditions similar to those of BWR, although FUGEN has the characteristic structure of reactor core and the heavy water treatment facilities. In Japan, the knowledge and findings from FUGEN decommissioning activities are very important and valuable to perform BWR decommissioning in future, because the decommissioning of FUGEN is research and development as the first decommissioning of real-scale reactor. In the first phase of FUGEN decommissioning activities, the dismantlement project of reactor core cooling system started. By 2017, the low-level contaminated equipment such as the condensers of turbine system and the main-steam pipes of main-steam system was dismantled, and the management data was accumulated. The knowledge and findings from the 10 years of dismantlement experience will be reflected to the future dismantlement of higher contaminated facilities.



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