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Report of summer holiday practical training 2018; Feasibility study on nuclear battery using HTTR core; Feasibility study for nuclear design

Ishitsuka, Etsuo   ; Matsunaka, Kazuaki*; Ishida, Hiroki*; Ho, H. Q.   ; Ishii, Toshiaki ; Hamamoto, Shimpei  ; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi  ; Kenzhina, I.*; Chikhray, Y.*; Kondo, Atsushi*; Takaki, Naoyuki*; Fujimoto, Nozomu*

As a summer holiday practical training 2018, the feasibility study for nuclear design of a nuclear battery using HTTR core was carried out. As a result, it is become clear that the continuous operations for about 30 years at 2 MW, about 25 years at 3 MW, about 18 years at 4 MW, about 15 years at 5 MW are possible. As an image of thermal design, the image of the nuclear battery consisting a cooling system with natural convection and a power generation system with no moving equipment is proposed. Further feasibility study to confirm the feasibility of nuclear battery will be carried out in training of next fiscal year.



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