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A Study to define and categorize the essential elements for the denuclearization

中西 宏晃

Nakanishi, Hiroaki

本研究は、「非核化」の定義の内容を明らかにするために、南アフリカ等の過去に行われた非核化を実施した事例の研究を行い、そこから得られた構成要素を検討するものである。具体的には、これまでの非核化に係る各国政府・国際機関等の協定, 議定書, 宣言, 声明, 国内法, 決議, 報告書等から共通項目等を抽出して、整理・分類して検討を行う。本研究を通じて、第一に、核兵器・核計画の解体, 廃棄, 国外移転, 無能力化, 停止、そして、第二に、核爆発実験の禁止を確保する措置といった、核兵器及び核計画のハード面を物理的に取り除くという構成要素を明らかにした。それだけでなく、非核化の技術的プロセスにも着目することで、三つ目の構成要素となりうる、核兵器及び核計画の再取得の禁止(不可逆性、又は、拡散防止)、という事項を明らかにした。その上で、核兵器能力を物理的に取り除いた後も残る、技術者, ノウハウ, 資機材の調達ルート等への対応策として、技術流出防止に係る措置(例えば、雇用対策, 輸出管理)、IAEA保障措置の適用と実施(例えば、IAEA追加議定書の批准、拡大結論の導出)、IAEA保障措置や核セキュリティの確保に係る能力構築支援、非核兵器地帯の創出などを提示した。

This paper investigates the essential elements derived from a case study that examined denuclearization carried out in the past in several countries like South Africa, to clearly explain the actual definition of denuclearization. Specifically, the case study was based on a research conducted by examining denuclearization-related official documents such as agreements, protocols, declarations, statements, national laws, and concluded resolutions and reports which were enacted and published by the respective Governments and international organizations. As a result of this activity, the relevant essential elements were defined and categorized. Through this study, measures to physically remove nuclear weapons and programs from these countries were defined and categorized into the following two elements: firstly, the disablement, dismantling, disposal, removal, freezing of nuclear weapons, programs, and activities; and secondly, the assurance to prohibit nuclear explosive tests. In addition, in terms of scientific and technical aspects of the denuclearization process, it also identified that the prohibition of the re-acquisition of nuclear weapons and programs could be a third essential element of denuclearization. Lastly, this study recommended measures to address concerns for the scientists, engineers, technical staffs who were involved in the country's nuclear weapons program, and the country's know-how on the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, including illegal procurement routes of nuclear weapon-related components. The following necessary actions are recommended: first, the measures preventing such technology outflow (e.g. re-employment of relevant individuals and export control); second, the application and implementation of the IAEA safeguards; third, the capacity-building support activities for the implementation of IAEA safeguards and strengthening the country's nuclear security; and fourth, the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region.



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