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Report No.

Study on eutectic melting behavior of control rod materials in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactor, 2; Effect of B$$_{4}$$C addition on thermophysical properties of austenitic stainless steel in a solid state

Takai, Toshihide  ; Furukawa, Tomohiro  ; Yamano, Hidemasa   

In a core disruptive accident scenario, boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) in control-rod will be predicted to react with stainless steel (SS) as structural material. Produced eutectic material of SS-B$$_{4}$$C is assumed to relocate widely in the core. To add a function of evaluating this liquefaction and relocation behavior to CDA analysis codes, it is indispensable to maintain the thermophysical properties database of SS-B$$_{4}$$C. In this report, density and specific heat of SS-7mass%B$$_{4}$$C in a solid state were obtained, and compared them with those of SS-5mass%B$$_{4}$$C obtained so far and literature value of SS. It is found that the density decreased while the specific heat increased, as B$$_{4}$$C concentration in the austenitic stainless steel increased. By addition of 7mass%-B$$_{4}$$C to 316L SS, the density was decreased by approximately 7% at 294K. On the other hand, specific heat was increased by approximately 21% at 294K.



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