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Report No.

Evaluation of a surface collection efficiency and a stability of flow rate for the commercially available filters used for ambient radioactive aerosols

Tamakuma, Yuki*; Yamada, Ryohei  ; Iwaoka, Kazuki*; Hosoda, Masahiro*; Tokonami, Shinji*

Airborne radioactivity measurements are necessary to know the contamination level and internal doses for residents after a nuclear accident. In addition, measurements of radon progenies in air, which are the risk factor of lung cancer, are also important to evaluate lung dose. In these measurements, a filter sampling is used to collect radioactive aerosols. However, it is well known that results of the measurement using a filter are strongly dependent on characteristics of the used filter. Selection of a suitable filter is important to achieve the high-resolution and long-term measurement. "Surface collection efficiency (SCE)" and "stability of air flow rate" were examined for six types of filter that are commercially available in Japan. In Japan, cellulose-glass fiber filter paper (HE-40T) is used for an environmental monitoring in Japan. In this study, it was found that the SCE of HE-40T was lower than that of mixed cellulose ester type membrane filter by Merck Millipore (DAWP02500). Attenuation ratio of flow rate for DAWP02500 was evaluated to be 2.9% which was lowest in six filters. The results suggest that the DAWP02500 is the most suitable for collecting radioactive aerosols for a long term.



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