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Post-test material analysis of eutectic reaction of boron carbide and stainless steel

山野 秀将   ; 高井 俊秀  

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takai, Toshihide


It is necessary to simulate a eutectic melting reaction and relocation behavior of boron carbide (B$$_{4}$$C) as a control rod material and stainless steel (SS) during a core disruptive accident in an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor designed in Japan. To validate a physical model simulating the eutectic melting reaction and relocation, the visualization experiments of SS-B$$_{4}$$C eutectic reaction was carried out by contacting SS melts of several kg with a B$$_{4}$$C pellet heated up to about 1500$$^{circ}$$C. This paper describes chemical analysis results of eutectic materials formed in the experiment, which are served as interpretation of the experiments and code validation.



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