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How does the dose rate after decontamination change with different grounds?

Nakama, Shigeo 

Decrease in air dose rate in decontaminated area is essential information to estimate external exposure and to facilitate return of local residents. To clarify the effect of ground surface type (i.e. paved and soil surfaces) on the decrease in air dose rate at 1 m above the ground, surface dose rate at 1 cm above the ground and the air dose rate were monitored for four years since decontamination in 2011, and their decrease rates were compared relating to the ground surface type. Decrease in the air dose rate and the surface dose rate on the asphalt pavement showed faster rates than those on the soil surface. Ratio of decrease in the air dose rate and surface dose rate (decrease rate ratio) was distributed between 0.8 and 1.2 on open place not affected by surrounding environment. Therefore, decrease in the air dose rate was in agreement with the decrease of the surface dose rate, which is greatly affected by the ground surface. It became clear that the decrease rate constant of the air dose rate differs depending on the difference in the ground surface.



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