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Report No.

Design information questionnaire; Reprocessing example

Nakamura, Hironobu ; Kitao, Takahiko ; Shimizu, Yasuyuki; Takeda, Seiichi ; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro*

Based on the DIQ guideline discussed and summarized at the 1st consultancy meeting, since JAEA made an example of DIQ for the reprocessing considering the decommissioning stages as Japan's task, we explain the contents and submit it to IAEA in the 2nd consultancy meeting. Basically, as the information regarding decommissioning stage, date of decommissioned, facility decommissioning plan, nuclear material recovery and removing or rendering inoperable of "essential equipment" with example are additionally described in the DIQ. We hope that this material could be helped to make a reprocessing DIQ (PUREX) in the world.



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