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Report No.

Coupling impedance of the collimator without RF-Shields at the RCS in J-PARC

Shobuda, Yoshihiro   ; Okabe, Kota  ; Kamiya, Junichiro   ; Moriya, Katsuhiro  

All holes on the chamber walls of synchrotrons should be filled with the radiofrequency (RF)-shields to suppress coupling impedances that excite beam instabilities. In a synchrotron, titanium nitride (TiN)-coated RF-shields are installed with collimators. If the holes, through which the collimator jaw enters and exits the chamber, are filled with such RF-shields, the shields may break down as the dynamic coefficient of TiN increases in vacuum. At the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), the RF-shields are eliminated from the collimator after demonstrating that the effect due to the RF-shields is negligible on the impedance at low frequencies.



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