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Report No.

Influence of mixing solution on characteristics of calcium aluminate cement modified with sodium polyphosphate

Irisawa, Keita  ; Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Kinoshita, Hajime*

This study investigated characteristics of a calcium aluminate cement modified with a phosphate (CAP) by changing an amount and concentration of mixing solution with sodium polyphosphate. When the amount of mixing solution was increased with a constant amount of sodium polyphosphate, an enhanced consumption of monocalcium aluminate was observed compared with gehlenite in calcium aluminate cement (CAC). Formation of gibbsite, Al(OH)$$_{3}$$, was also increased as a hydration product in the CAP and the possible reduction of water in the amorphous gel phase. When the amount of mixing solution was increased with a constant concentration of sodium polyphosphate, the enhanced consumption of monocalcium aluminate was not observed. Neither gibbsite nor any other crystalline hydration products were identified in this series. In addition, unreacted sodium polyphosphate remained in the system. The increased formation of gibbsite and the possible reduction of water from the amorphous gel phase appears to contribute to the improvement of the microstructure in the products.



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Category:Construction & Building Technology



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