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Report No.

Restructure behavior analysis in fast breeder reactor MOX fuel by X-ray CT

Ishimi, Akihiro ; Katsuyama, Kozo ; Furuya, Hirotaka*

Both high and low density MOX fuel pellets of uranium and plutonium oxides were irradiated in the experimental fast reactor JOYO. After irradiation, these fuel pellets were examined by X-ray CT and their irradiation behavior was evaluated for formation of the central void. In particular, the central void size and temperature of fuel pellets at the beginning and end of irradiation were analyzed. The central voids in the low density fuel pellets were bigger than those of the high density fuel pellets at the same linear heating rate (LHR), and the threshold LHR and temperature at which the central voids were formed were lower than those of the high density fuel pellets. It was understood from these results that the irradiation behaviors of high and low density fuel pellets were different.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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