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$$^{125}$$Te-NMR study on a single crystal of heavy fermion superconductor UTe$$_2$$

Tokunaga, Yo  ; Sakai, Hironori   ; Kambe, Shinsaku  ; Hattori, Taisuke; Higa, Nonoka; Nakamine, Genki*; Kitagawa, Shunsaku*; Ishida, Kenji*; Nakamura, Ai*; Shimizu, Yusei*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Li, D. X.*; Honda, Fuminori*; Aoki, Dai*

We report $$^{125}$$Te-NMR studies on a newly discovered heavy fermion superconductor UTe$$_2$$. Using a single crystal, we have measured the $$^{125}$$Te-NMR Knight shift $$K$$ and spin-lattice relaxation rate $$1/T_1$$ for fields along the three orthorhombic crystal axes. The data confirm a moderate Ising anisotropy for both the static ($$K$$) and dynamical susceptibilities ($$1/T_1$$) in the paramagnetic state above about 20 K. Around 20 K, however, we have observed a sudden loss of NMR spin-echo signal due to sudden enhancement of the NMR spin-spin relaxation rate $$1/T_2$$, when the field is applied along the easy axis of magnetization (=$$a$$ axis). This behavior suggests the development of longitudinal magnetic fluctuations along the $$a$$ axis at very low frequencies below 20 K.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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