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Report No.

Sample preparation method for measurement of in-situ belliyum-10 and allumium-26 in terrestrial quartz using accelerator mass spectrometry at Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Kokubu, Yoko   ; Matsushi, Yuki*; Ishizaka, Chika*; Hirao, Noriaki*; Yonaga, Yusuke; Yoshikawa, Kiyotaka*

This report provides a description of sample preparation method for measurement of in-situ belliyum-10 ($$^{10}$$Be) and allumium-26 ($$^{26}$$Al) in terrestrial quartz using accelerator mass spectrometry at Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The report is based on the laboratory manual "Chemistry for in-situ $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al measurement for terrestrial quartz by AMS at MALT ver.1.3 and ver.2.2" prepared by ph.D Matsushi at Kyoto University.



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