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Report No.

Comparative analysis of water contamination of the Shagan river at the Semipalatinsk Test Site with heavy metals and artificial radionuclides

Gorlachev, I.*; Kharkin, P.*; Dyussembayeva, M.*; Lukashenko, S.*; Gluchshenko, G.*; Matiyenko, L.*; Zheltov, D.*; Kitamura, Akihiro   ; Khlebnikov, N.*

The main goal of the presented research activities is to determine the degree of water contamination of the largest waterway of the STS, the Shagan river, with heavy elements and artificial radionuclides. Such approach made it possible to identify the most significant elements-contaminants typical for the selected object, to determine the most dirty points of the Shagan riverbed, to compare the degree of water contamination with heavy metals and artificial radionuclides, and to calculate the complex indices of water contamination with heavy metals. According to the obtained data, the recommendations can be made for application of Shagan's water for household purpose.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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