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Report No.

Effects of one-dimensional migration of self-interstitial atom clusters on the decreasing behaviour of their number density in electron-irradiated $$alpha$$-iron

Abe, Yosuke  ; Sato, Yuki*; Hashimoto, Naoyuki*; Onuki, Somei*

We derive analytical models associated with the experimentally revealed one-dimensional (1D) migration mechanisms to examine the decreasing behavior of the cluster number density. The model calculation indicates that the detrapping of the stationary SIA clusters causes the surface annihilation of the liberated SIA clusters, leading to the decrease in their number density. The decreasing behavior is in closer accordance with the experimental data when setting the impurity concentration in the same order as the estimation from the previous in situ HVEM experiment. This result suggests that the trapping and detrapping of the SIA clusters are the possible underlying processes for the decreasing behavior.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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