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Report No.

Microstructure distribution of Japanese sword cross sections analyzed by the diffractometer TAKUMI at J-PARC

Oikawa, Kenichi   ; Harjo, S.   ; Pham, A. H.*; Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Morito, Shigekazu*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Oba, Takuya*; Ito, Masakazu*

The metallurgy of historic melee weapons is one of the most interesting topics in archaeometallurgy. In particular, Japanese swords are paid great admiration in the world as the honor of classical technology and of the art. There have been many reports in the past that tried to elucidate this Japanese sword's microstructure and/or manufacturing process scientifically. In this study, we tried to use neutron diffraction as the non-destructive testing method. TOF neutron diffraction experiment was performed at TAKUMI of J-PARC. The gauge volume for the mapping was limited to 2 $$times$$ 2 $$times$$ 2 mm. Data sets for the normal and transverse direction and the normal and axial direction were obtained for the four pieces of sliced Japanese sword. All diffraction data were analyzed by the Rietveld refinement program to obtain lattice constants, phase volume fractions, preferred orientation, the crystallite size and the microstrain from the line-broadening. Detailed analysis results will be presented.



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