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Report No.

Investigation for tiny metal contamination of water cooling system in J-PARC Linac

Suganuma, Kazuaki ; Hiroki, Fumio ; Ito, Takashi  ; Yamazaki, Yoshio 

In the past, water flow decreased at water cooling system in J-PARC Linac. Contamination get mixed in cooling water. The problem was resolved by changing the system of the circulation pumps and reducing the tiny metal in water cooling system. However, suppression of occurring tiny metal is unresolved. The tiny metal is the unique problem of accelerator. It is caused by heavy using oxygen free copper and phosphorus deoxidized copper. The two copper is used for the part of accelerator and purified water. The object of the report is investigation of tiny metal contamination of water cooling system in J-PARC Linac.



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