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Report No.

Development of pulse power supply for kicker using power semiconductor and alternative switch for ignitron

Takayanagi, Tomohiro   ; Ono, Ayato; Ueno, Tomoaki*; Horino, Koki*; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

We will replace the Thyratron and Ignitron discharge type switch with a semiconductor switch capable of more stable operation. The thyratron alternative switch used by the kicker power supply manufactured the radial symmetric module substrate of the 800V/2kA output which was built by LTD circuit using SiC-MOSFET. By making the power transfer structure between module substrates stacked for high voltage output into a coaxial ring type, a further reduction in inductance is realized. We report the results of evaluating a pulse output of 20kV/1kA (final specification is 40kV/2kA). Ignitron, which is used as a high-power klystron clover switch, has the potential to be discontinued in the future because it uses mercury, which has limited use worldwide. LINAC's klystron clover switches require a working output of 50kV at 120kV/40kA. We fabricated 3kV/40kA oval type module substrate using MOS gate thyristor. Report on preliminary test results.



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