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Report No.

Outline of the R&D plan for the fast reactor cycle system development in JAEA

Hayafune, Hiroki; Maeda, Seiichiro ; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

In the "Strategic Roadmap" of Fast Reactor Development decided at the Inter-Ministerial Council for Nuclear Power in December 2018, the development works for the around next 10 years were identified, and the role of JAEA was presented. In response, JAEA has prepared a framework for R&D plans for about 5 years on the fast reactor technology and the fuel cycle technology (reprocessing, fuel manufacturing, fuel and material development). In the future, JAEA will promote independent R&D works based on these plans, and provide the obtained R&D results together with various testing functions of JAEA to the activities of the private sector, etc. Through these actions, JAEA will actively contribute to the future fast reactor development. This article outlines JAEA's policy and the R&D items (development of ARKADIA; Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-Aided Design Integration Approach through the whole Plant Life Cycle, development of standards and standards system, development of safety improvement technology, research in the fuel cycle technology), the policy of international cooperation, the human resource development, and the future perspective were explained.



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