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Report No.

Effect of concentration of artificial sea water on corrosion behavior of steel in air-solution alternating condition

Otani, Kyohei   ; Tsukada, Takashi ; Ueno, Fumiyoshi  ; Kato, Chiaki   

Corrosion tests of carbon steel was carried out in air-solution alternating condition in previous study. It has been reported that the corrosion rate of carbon steel exposed in air-solution alternating condition was accelerated compare with the steel exposed in solution. In this study, it was investigated that the effect of concentration of model sea water on corrosion rate of carbon steel in air-solution alternating condition. The mass measurement in corrosion tests clarified that the corrosion rate of carbon steel in the 200 times diluted model sea water is fastest during various model sea water. Cross-sectional analysis of iron rust layer formed on carbon steel after corrosion tests indicated that the corrosion rate of carbon steel in model sea water is decreased by precipitation of metal cations containing in model sea water.



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