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Report No.

Influences of the ZrC coating process and heat treatment on ZrC-coated kernels used as fuel in Pu-burner high temperature gas-cooled reactor in Japan

Aihara, Jun ; Ueta, Shohei   ; Honda, Masaki*; Mizuta, Naoki ; Goto, Minoru  ; Tachibana, Yukio ; Okamoto, Koji*

The concept of a Pu-burner high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has been proposed for purpose of more safely reducing amount of recovered Pu. This concept employs coated fuel particles (CFPs) with ZrC coated PuO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernel and with tristructural (TRISO) coating for very high Pu burn-up and high nuclear proliferation resistance. In this report, we investigate the microstructure of the region that includes the surface of an as-fabricated CeO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernel simulating PuO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernel. We found both Zr-rich grains and Ce-rich grains to be densely distributed in that region including surface of CeO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernel. On the other hand, it has been reported that there was a porous region near surface of the CeO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernel of Batch I. This finding confirms that Ce-rich grains near surface of CeO$$_{2}$$-YSZ kernels coated with ZrC layers have been corroded during the deposition of the ZrC layer, whereas the Zr-rich grains were hardly affected.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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