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Report No.

Uncategorized radioactive particles isolated from southwest region from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station

Satou, Yukihiko   ; Sueki, Keisuke*; Ishii, Tatsuya*; Igarashi, Junya*; Martin, P.*; Jones, C.*; Scott, T.*

In Fukushima accident, insoluble radioactive Cs particles found at the northwestern region from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (1FNPS). Presence of Cs particle in other surrounding area from 1FNPS is unclear yet. In the present study, the presence of other particle emission events and the presence of new types of radioactive particles were investigated by expanding the search object to soil samples collected outside the 1FNPS northwest region where insoluble Cs particles were reported. Four radioactive particles found from the samples. The particles look like pebbles and diameter is 0.4 to 2 mm, and the size feature is Type B. Isotopic ratio of Cs is very similar to type A of 1.0. EDS results confirmed the presence of iron and aluminum in addition to silicon. Further, in the CT image, there was an absorption point near the surface indicating that the element is heavier than iron. Although these features are clearly different from the insoluble Cs particles that have been reported in the past, in this implementation item it is not possible to find the location where Cs is adsorbed, and further direct emission from uranium or in the reactor.



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